Thursday, April 7, 2011

Action, Structure

I love the 8 of Wands in the Robin Wood deck. It just fizzles with energy. You could practically see those wands traveling at supersonic speed to the far reaches of space.

Relating to myself, though no sudden messages came to me, I was much busier today than I usually am. Though I remain a bum, I was better inclined to action: I did interpretations for at least 3 people, labored over a curriculum draft, cleaned the sink and the bathroom. For the curriculum, I was trying to achieve structure and order.

In the literal sense of quick communications and establishing order though, these cards point to what happened with my boss this morning. His MNL-HK-NGO flight was suddenly changed by the airline to an earlier flight, which displeased him greatly. As expected from a Japanese, he is unsatisfied with these random changes and insists on structure, order and sticking to schedule. He wants to dispute with Cathay regarding cancellation charges but it seems the airline refuses to refund. He could even be the Emperor himself (though personally I see him as the King of Cups).


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