Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tarot Journey Beginnings

I made this blog today to journal my study of the Tarot. I've just finished reading all the major and minor Arcana meanings of the cards in Joan Bunning's book "
Tarot for Beginners." It's a book I bought way back in 2004 before I went to Japan but I didn't have the time (and attention span!) to devote myself on studying it until now. It's a good book, straightforward and very informative to the last detail. I like the thoroughness of the author and the school reviewer approach (I feel as though I was studying something for school as I read the book). But to complement that, I bought Mary K. Greer's "21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card" which I believe focuses more on the intuitive aspects of reading.

The story of how I got the book is interesting. I was looking at Amazon for a good Tarot book to buy and I saw that Mary Greer's book had good reviews. I wrote it down in my little notebook planning to buy it if I see it in the bookstore. (Unfortunately, here in the Philippines, it's hard to find the specific books you want). So a few days ago I was at SM Clark National Bookstore and looking throught the New Age section. Thankfully, there were a few Tarot books but none were on my list. The only decent-looking one that interested me was about Tarot Spreads and it was 700+. I decided it wasn't worth it and was about to go away when I noticed that on the next shelf at the top was the book "21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card"! It was out of place among the religion and spirituality books. Needless to say, I was very happy and though the 800+ price tag was heavy, I didn't want to pass up my chance. So I went to the cashier who "zapped" the barcode on the book and to my surprise, 201.25 came out instead of the 800+ written on the price tag! The cashier punched in the numbers manually and the result was the same - 201.25. I was absolutely ecstatic with delight and thought that this must be a sign that this book was meant to be mine. It may have wanted me to buy it, haha.

The excercises in "21 Ways.." book are the incentive for me to make this Tarot Journal. I hope to keep track of my insights and progress with this blog. Hopefully, I can look back and think to myself that it was all worth it.


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