Monday, October 6, 2008

The Three-Week Hiatus

Right now, I'm really frustrated because my lengthy post just up and disappeared in a puff of smoke :(
To make things short,
- I'm surprised that my priorities have changed in the space of 3 weeks judging from previous posts
- I no longer feel the frantic need to master all my decks. I plan to learn them one at a time, in an unhurried manner.
- I have 4 new decks that I bought at Singapore when I went there with Yosuke: Pocket Universal Waite, Llewellyn Tarot, Voyager Tarot, and The Grail Tarot to which Yosuke contributed most of the money to buy it.
- Taking time off from the cards has actually helped me because I think my subconscious was able to process my studies better and I now feel more confident in reading them. I also am less reliant on books.
- I'm going back to Batangas because of the incredible offer my boss gave me. It exceeded my expectations and with that salary, I can definitely save up for my and Yosuke's plans. I'm really happy and grateful for this blessing.
- I'm currently reading "The Power of Now" which is rooted in Zen philosophy and I intend to practice the Zen philosophy when I get back to work.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Tarot of the Origins connections

Today I received an email from the one who made the site about Tarot of the Origins. It was quite a surprise how fast the reply came (I only sent the email yesterday night!). It's wonderful how there's someone sharing the same interest and insight as me regarding the cards. Maybe this is a sign that I should concentrate on Tarot of the Origins for my personal development. (The standard Rider-Waite based cards will not be forgotten, though. They will still be my main decks to use while I study all the Tarot of the Origins cards). I made a wiki to journal my studies of it here: Tarot Notebook. But I guess this means that Osho Zen will have to take a back seat for now. And maybe Faeries' Oracle? But I really do want to use Faeries' Oracle soon...

But anyway, Priorities! I hate to say it, but Korean should be my priority for the moment. As well as finding ways to be useful around the house. And then getting thinner. And the JLPT is coming soon. I can't stand it if I fail again!

But for Tarot, I guess I'll take Tarot of the Origins one at a time alongside my regular tarot studies. Those will be my only hobbies for the moment, aside from the occasional (!) Photoshopping.

I ask the Universe gives me the strength and the wisdom to carry out what needs to be done.
I ask the Universe gives me the strength and the wisdom to carry out what needs to be done.
I ask the Universe gives me the strength and the wisdom to carry out what needs to be done.

There. I've typed that 3 times, no less. I've read that you should "ask 3 times and you shall receive." I'll put my faith in that.


Daily Card: 8 of Pentacles

Today's card is the 8 of Pentacles. Two eights in a row. 8 denote maturity and peak of ability.

The Universe is telling me to focus on working on my abilities, and be diligent. It's all about making an effort. Surely, I haven't been making enough efforts to achieve the plans that are in my head. Everyday it's all the same. What I really need to do is plug away!

But of course, it all starts from making the effort. To open the Korean books. To inquire about courses next semester. To look for a prospective job. That is what I need to do.

Where are my efforts?

Question to the Universe: What should I focus on today?


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Daily Card: 8 of Cups

Today, I asked the Universe to give me a message on what I should focus on.

I received the Eight of Cups.

I think this card is telling me to SEEK DEEPER MEANING, to concentrate on what is important. Maybe also to concentrate on the spiritual.

But more importantly, I think it means that it is time for me to move on. I am getting weary of how things are now. A cycle is ending.

Somehow, this message leaves me a sense of dread. And yet I am hopeful. I feel that I am at the brink of something new.

I should let myself move on before The Tower comes and flashes me with lightning!


Monday, September 8, 2008

Of New Decks and Spirit Guides

Yesterday at NBS Clark, I bought a book about discovering your spirit guide. I wouldn't have bought it normally, but the discounted price of 120-something from 500+ was too good of a bargain. Anyway, I had some interest in Spirit Guides. The author's account of her experience with her spirit guide, Guildas, was quite fantastical to say the least, so I took the text with a grain of salt. It made me feel a bit more aware, though, as demonstrated in my experience today.

I went to FB at Bonifacio High Street (commuting, no less! :D) to see the new tarot cards they had in stock. I found them almost immediately. There were lots of decks, which was a good thing. The bad thing was that none of the decks were in my wish list (too bad I removed The Fey Tarot from my list - it was there). But I wanted to get one and was debating with myself which deck to get. The Crystal Tarot was there- a gorgeous deck but unillustrated pips might prove too much for me. As I ran my hands through the rows of decks, I was instantly drawn to the Tarot of Origins. I know from looking at the cards online that it was a muted deck with dark undertones that isn't my type at all, but for some reason I was considering getting it. But of course I had to look at the others - there was a pretty looking Chinese deck, a Celtic Deck, Tarot of the Imagination which looked mysteriously gorgeous, theDante Tarot and the Intuitive Tarot. I badly wanted to check Aeclectic so that I could make the best decision! Good thing I passed by A Different Bookstore on my way there so I knew that they had an internet cafe. So I went there, just across the street. The cost per hour was 120 (!!!) but I had no choice - at least the chairs were big and comfy and the screen was really BIG AND WIDE. There I quickly found out that the deck that really appealed to me most from my "debate list" was the Tarot of Origins all along! I find it strange, really. A very primeval deck with none of the fluffiness of my "want" decks. I mused that it probably was my Spirit Guide who wanted the deck after all :) Until now, I've never felt that sensation of a deck calling out to me... (I'm drawn to my other decks mainly because of the pretty art. Tarot of Origins is has good art, but it's not in my definition of "pretty.")

Then I received a text message from Francis of the Tarot MSN Group that Mystic Faeries was availabe at NBS Rockwell for about 1200. Whoa! Finally a deck on my wish list! Thanks so much for the info, Francis! I hurriedly went to Rockwell (by taxi this time). I didn't even know NBS existed in Rockwell, but there it was. I had no trouble finding it at all. What was strange, though, was that I couldn't find the New Age section even though I went round and round the store 3 times! I thought, "...maybe something doesn't want me to spend more than I have to?" But I'm the stubborn type and not one to give up once I set my heart on it. I went to Customer Service and asked them to point me out to the New Age section. It was behind the Religion section (I passed by there multiple times!) and quite extensive - why did I miss it? For a moment, I thought Mystic Faeries wasn't there, but then I caught a glimpse of the box behind some other boxes (another scheme?). It was there! I can't believe the deck I've been dreaming of owning was in my hands. Good thing that because of the sale, the 1200 price was lowerd to 800-something :D I can now (temporarily!) relieve my itch of acquiring tarot decks.

After exiting the store, the Crystal Deck (not tarot) that I saw at NBS kept bugging me because I realized that it was quite cheap at P340 because of the 20% discount. I needed more money for it, though (money that I have short supply of!) so I withdrew from the ATM machine. As I went back to NBS, I couldn't find my way at all! I went round and round and went up and down multiple floors but to no avail. My feet were aching already. I found NBS soon after I first entered the mall, why can't I find it now? I had to give up in defeat. This, definitely, is a sign from my Spirit Guide that he/she doesn't want me to spend more money than I have too. With a sigh of defeat, I went out the exit, thinking of ways to get back home to Mandaluyong. I didn't know where the jeepneys were. Taxis were an option, but expensive. I asked directions for the taxi stand and as I walked towards it, I noticed other people going a certan direction. Maybe they were going to where the jeeps were? Piqued, I followed them. Sure enough, there was a jeepney station right down the road! Okay, I got it. Spirit Guide wanted me to be economical, to take the jeepney and the MRT back home.

I hope to communicate and 'talk' to my new decks soon. I also hope to know more about my Spirit Guide and catch glimpses of his/her presence (not necessarily in the literal sense). Thinking about it, so many good things that happened to me in the past were probably because of Spirit Guide's assistance. Thank you for always watching over me.

This seems to be a good resource for Tarot of the Origins:


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Daily Card: Knight of Cups

The card I drew today was the Knight of Cups. Hmm...I seem to be getting a lot of court cards? I wonder what could this mean?

Although I have to plans are going abysmal. That's 'cause I rediscovered Photoshop yesterday (my sworn enemy!) but we seem to have gotten along quite well. And the result is that I churned out TWO wallpapers in two days! I'm really happy 'cause it's always been my dream to make desktop wallpapers, but I don't want to waste whole days just to make them! XD

Right now, my attention is not in Tarot, not in studying Korean, and not even in drinking water O_o; Yes, Photoshopping has made even me forget my thirst. This isn't good!

I need to do something about this!!!!

Though I guess today was quite something since I wasn't able to use the internet for the whole of the day ('cause the other modem conked out). Thank goodness I still have the SiS etherenet adapter so I could still log on after acquiring the SmartBro password. Btw, the default password is the account number + "period" + username! Don't forget!

Ah...I haven't even TRIED meditating in days! My head is full of nothing but PHOTOSHOP!


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Daily Card : King of Pentacles

The card I drew today is the King of Pentacles. This card is telling me to work towards my goals with a firm resolve, have regular habits, and to be reliable and responsible. How appropriate these goals are for me now! I thank the Universe for sending me this message.

On another note, I have another deck on my wish list: the Tarot of the Magical Forest. The wonderful thing about it is that it's available here, at Fully Booked! I can't wait to see what new stocks they have. I really need to get my butt working if I want to buy those tarot decks!


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Daily Card Draw

I started the Daily Card Draw yesterday. I'm planning to continue doing this with my Universal Tarot deck.

Yesterday, I got the Knight of Swords. His dynamic movement seems to tell me to be more proactive in my pursuit of knowledge, which I did to an extent yesterday.

Today is the Five of Swords. I think this card is telling me to pick up where I left off and remember the past, but not get stuck with it. I should move on. I still have a whole day to meditate about it. Let's see where it takes me.

Interestingly, I've been getting Swords for two days now. What could this mean?


Monday, September 1, 2008

Tarot Wish List

1. DruidCraft
Mystic Dreamer Tarot
Mystic Faeries Tarot
4. Halloween Tarot
Llewellyn Tarot
6. The Golden Tarot
7. The Housewives Tarot
8. Lunatic Tarot

9. Manga Ta
10. Circle of Life Tarot


Activity 4:1 Story

Once upon a time, there was a young man who lived in a peaceful, beautiful village far away from the rest of civilization. Because they were so far away, few ever left the confines of the village. Special permission was needed so that one can leave. The young man wanted very much to explore the rest of the world. He didn't want to get stuck there forever, because he believed that he had so much that he could share to the whole world. He wanted to meet other people from different places and for others to meet him in turn. He kept talking about his dream to the other villagers for many years. Then one day, on his 17th year, he was called by one of the village elders. The elder said that it was decided that it was time for him to leave the village, if he so wished. He gave the young man a knapsack filled with things that would be useful for his journey. The knapsack had 5 different colored ribbons that the elder said would protect the young man and give him strength.

The young man was ecstatic at the news. He thanked the elder profusely and told the rest of the villagers. He wanted to leave immediately, but before he did so, he had the tailor make him a whimsical suit of many colors and patterns. When he met people from the outside world, he wanted to be impressionable. The suit was ready in a few days and the young man set off on his journey. His friends made him a crown of white roses and a feather to wish him well. The young man was so happy and ecstatic as he started off. He walked whimsically on his toes as he played his flute, practicing how he would make his debut to the people of the outside world. The sky was clear, the grass was green, and air was fresh as he made his way through the mountains, all the while playing a cheerful tune on his flute. As he walked, various creatures were attracted to his the cheerful notes. His liveliness and optimism was so infectious that a white dog and a few butterflies joined him. As the young man walked up the mountain, he felt like he was at the top of the world. Nothing could stop him from exploring the world, and everything was bound to be alright. He could see himself being famous and making a mark on the outside world. How fun it would be! He was in the middle of his daydreams when he felt his feet touch thin air, and in an instant, he felt weightlessness. He had fallen off a cliff.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New Tarot Cards!

I went on a tarot shopping spree yesterday.

I was going to apply for the JLPT exam and since Powerbooks was on sale, I decided to take advantage of that and got me some pretty decks. I visited every bookstore I knew that carried New Age stuff: Powerbooks at Trinoma and Greenbelt, Fully Booked at SM North, and National at Glorietta. I even took advantage of the Customer Service Counter and had them phone other branches so I'd know what Tarot cards they're carrying. Sadly, the other branches carried almost the same decks, so in the end I ended up buying the Tarot of Mermaids at Trinoma. I was disappointed that none of the decks in my list were sold in any of the stores, but I made sure to pay a visit to Netopia to see for myself if any of the decks were worthy of purchase. The only 2 that caught my eye was the Mona Lisa tarot and the Mermaids one, but I opted for Mermaids because the Mona Lisa tarot is darker.

I don't regret the purchase. The watercolor paintings of the mermaids are absolutely breathtaking, even though I'm not big into mermaids. However, I have a few quibbles with Lo Scarabeo: I don't like much the font they used, The dark blue borders and dark blue at the back of the cards totally ruin the effect, and the digital droplet-like background on the horrible blue border is totally cheesy and unimaginative. What's more, why did they stick to the regular "Wands, Cups, Swords, Pentacles" when the LWB and the illustrations themselves show "Oars, Shells, Tritons, and Pearls"? Looking into amazon reviews, I think I may have found the reason for the horrible dark blue frame: it was originally teal/dark green-blue (which would've suited the paintings much better) but maybe Lo Scarabeo was playing cheapskate and/or their printers and color mixers were stupid! Grrr...

On my way to the MRT station, I passed by Natio Glorietta and to my surprise, I found a Beginners' Tarot Kit in the New Age section! And National never stocks up on Tarot cards (except those horrible Marseilles-type ones). It comes with a book, an organza bag and the Universal Tarot, which made it irresistable (all for 895) for me so I shelled out the money (even though I could get it on discount if I bought it 2 days later. Classic impulse buy, LOL. My perfect R-W-S tarot is still the Universal Waite, but the Universal Tarot is a good alternative. It copies RWS very closely but has softer, better watercolors and better outfits. My quibbles with it though, are the muscular and heavy set and angular male faces (woe the Pages! - they're not innocent kids anymore) and the 7 of Pentacles with a man showing obvious dissatisfaction, when the original was more of bored/neutral.

I wasn't sure how reading with my two new decks would be like (would they connect to me?) but I took them on a test drive and to my surprise, BOTH were very readable. Though looking at individual cards of the Universal Tarot disappoints me somewhat, they look really good spread out. And since they're basically R-W-S clones, very highly readable. The Mermaid Tarot, too, were kindly and gave me good advice, telling me to open up my heart, have confidence, and study them diligently - they will tell their secrets to me :) After that, the horrible dark blue border didn't bother me so much anymore.

Another good thing: I found the Osho Zen book at Fully Booked! It was totally unexpected and it was the last copy, so I had to grab it. I was tempted to get the runes, too, but thank goodness I didn't. I'll devote myself to Tarot first, and if ever I dabble with the runes, I'll make sure I make them by myself. It's a PROMISE!!!

All in all, a very satisfying shopping day. My New Age collection is getting bigger and better :)

My decks:

1. Robin Wood Tarot
2. Osho Zen Tarot
3. Tarot of Mermaids
4. Universal Tarot

5. Faeries' Oracle

I'm still glad that I had Robin Wood for my first deck, because I still think it's the best of what I currently have, and very friendly to the beginner. Though technically Faeries' Oracle was my first deck - I need to study it!


Friday, August 22, 2008

Activity 2:1 Card Description

1) My card is card 0, The Fool.

The Fool is playing a flute.
He is walking on his toes.
The dog is standing up on his hind legs while looking at The Fool.
The Fool looks cheerful and relaxed.
He has a backpack slung over his shoulder.
On his backpack are 5 ribbons with different colors.
He has a crown of white roses and a feather on his hair.
The pattern on his leg pants are different for each leg.
He is about to fall off a cliff.
There are 3 butterflies surrounding him.
There is a pine tree below him, beyond the cliff.
On the background are green mountains and farther away are snow-covered mountains.
The sky is a clear blue.
The dog is white.
There is a river in the distance.


I am playing my flute.
I am walking on my toes.
The dog beside me is standing up on his hind legs while looking at me.
I look cheerful and relaxed.
I have a backpack slung over my shoulder.
On my backpack are 5 ribbons with different colors.
I have a crown of white roses and a feather on my hair.
The pattern on my leg pants are different for each leg.
I am about to fall off a cliff.
There are 3 butterflies surrounding me.
There is a pine tree below me, beyond the cliff.
My surroundings are are green mountains and farther away are snow-covered mountains.
The sky above me is a clear blue.
The dog following me is white.
I can see a river in the distance.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tarot Journey Beginnings

I made this blog today to journal my study of the Tarot. I've just finished reading all the major and minor Arcana meanings of the cards in Joan Bunning's book "
Tarot for Beginners." It's a book I bought way back in 2004 before I went to Japan but I didn't have the time (and attention span!) to devote myself on studying it until now. It's a good book, straightforward and very informative to the last detail. I like the thoroughness of the author and the school reviewer approach (I feel as though I was studying something for school as I read the book). But to complement that, I bought Mary K. Greer's "21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card" which I believe focuses more on the intuitive aspects of reading.

The story of how I got the book is interesting. I was looking at Amazon for a good Tarot book to buy and I saw that Mary Greer's book had good reviews. I wrote it down in my little notebook planning to buy it if I see it in the bookstore. (Unfortunately, here in the Philippines, it's hard to find the specific books you want). So a few days ago I was at SM Clark National Bookstore and looking throught the New Age section. Thankfully, there were a few Tarot books but none were on my list. The only decent-looking one that interested me was about Tarot Spreads and it was 700+. I decided it wasn't worth it and was about to go away when I noticed that on the next shelf at the top was the book "21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card"! It was out of place among the religion and spirituality books. Needless to say, I was very happy and though the 800+ price tag was heavy, I didn't want to pass up my chance. So I went to the cashier who "zapped" the barcode on the book and to my surprise, 201.25 came out instead of the 800+ written on the price tag! The cashier punched in the numbers manually and the result was the same - 201.25. I was absolutely ecstatic with delight and thought that this must be a sign that this book was meant to be mine. It may have wanted me to buy it, haha.

The excercises in "21 Ways.." book are the incentive for me to make this Tarot Journal. I hope to keep track of my insights and progress with this blog. Hopefully, I can look back and think to myself that it was all worth it.


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