The Three-Week Hiatus
Right now, I'm really frustrated because my lengthy post just up and disappeared in a puff of smoke :(
To make things short,
- I'm surprised that my priorities have changed in the space of 3 weeks judging from previous posts
- I no longer feel the frantic need to master all my decks. I plan to learn them one at a time, in an unhurried manner.
- I have 4 new decks that I bought at Singapore when I went there with Yosuke: Pocket Universal Waite, Llewellyn Tarot, Voyager Tarot, and The Grail Tarot to which Yosuke contributed most of the money to buy it.
- Taking time off from the cards has actually helped me because I think my subconscious was able to process my studies better and I now feel more confident in reading them. I also am less reliant on books.
- I'm going back to Batangas because of the incredible offer my boss gave me. It exceeded my expectations and with that salary, I can definitely save up for my and Yosuke's plans. I'm really happy and grateful for this blessing.
- I'm currently reading "The Power of Now" which is rooted in Zen philosophy and I intend to practice the Zen philosophy when I get back to work.